Leave Your Legacy

Please consider funding one of the naming opportunities below to enhance the beauty and functionality of our new facility.  Pledges may be made over a 3-year period and will be an investment in Wilson's future as a thriving arts destination.

NOTE: The yellow hammer next to the naming opportunity means that the space is already claimed, unless it has a note indicating how many opportunities are left.  We do our best to keep this updated, but please check with Cathy Hardison at cathy@wilsonarts.com or (252) 291-4329 to inquire about current availability.

Click here to download a pledge card form.  Forms can be mailed to Wilson Arts, 204 Nash St. S., Wilson, NC 27893.  Stock gifts are also accepted, just ask!

If you prefer to make a one-time gift online, please visit our directed donation online form and type "Capital Campaign" in the contribution description.