We have set up an Amazon wish list if you would like to assist us by purchasing some small and specific items to help us have a clean, aesthetically pleasing, and functional arts center for the whole community to enjoy. The renovation is a big undertaking and every little bit helps a lot!
Items can be shipped to the Wilson Arts Center, 204 Nash St S, Wilson, NC 27893. When the items arrive, we do not know who they are from. We'd love to thank you for your gift - please let us know by e-mailing Cathy Hardison, Executive Director at cathy@wilsonarts.com.
Our organization (Legal Name: The Arts Council of Wilson, Inc.) is also listed on Amazon Smile if you choose to order through that platform so that our organization would receive a small portion of the proceeds as well. Thank you for your consideration!
If you would like to help us with one of the above Wish List items, you can mail a check to Wilson Arts, 204 Nash St S, NC 27893 and write "Wilson Arts Center" and the item you are contributing toward in the memo. You may also donate online by visiting our directed donation form page and put the same memo in the contribution description section.