Changes coming to Wilson Arts Gallery Gift Shop

As we prepare for the exciting renovations planned for the Wilson Arts Center in 2025, we’re reworking—and sometimes reimagining—some of our existing spaces. Our beloved gallery gift shop will be relocated closer to the reception desk and reconfigured with a smaller footprint. This change not only makes the shop easier to maintain but also expands our gallery exhibition space, allowing us to better showcase art.

With this update, the gift shop will have the flexibility to rotate items in sync with each exhibition change, offering fresh inventory throughout the year. While we’ll continue to feature many of your favorite artists and popular items, this new approach creates opportunities to introduce exciting new pieces with every gallery opening.

The launch of our revamped gift shop will coincide with our first exhibition opening reception of the year on January 16. We can’t wait to share this new boutique experience with you, along with the same exceptional customer service you’ve come to expect!

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