All auditions are held at the Edna Boykin Cultural Center, 108 Nash Street NE, Wilson NC unless otherwise stated.
Audition forms and materials are typically posted about 4 weeks before audition dates.
Auditions for the 2024-2025 season have ended. Please check back late Spring for the 2025-2026 season dates.
PLEASE NOTE: ACT! for Youth programs are open to children in kindergarten through high school who live in Wilson County, or whose parent(s) live or work in Wilson County, or those who are contributors to Wilson Arts at the family level or greater. THESE CRITERIA MUST BE MET IN ORDER FOR YOUR CHILD TO BE CAST IN THIS PRODUCTION.
Charlotte's Web
School & Creative HeARTs Performances: April 2
Public Performances: April 3 - 6
Production staff for CHARLOTTE'S WEB:
Director - Hannah Slaughter
Costumer - Donna Beaman
The program participation fee is $50 for Wilson Arts members and $75 for non-members, applicable only to those who cast for the show.
The technician participation fee is $35 for Wilson Arts members and $60 for non-members, applicable only to those working tech for the show.