Wilson Arts is generously supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, local business and by people like you. These friends have demonstrated their commitment to the performing and visual arts, as well as the many educational opportunities this organization provides. Thank you for your support of Wilson Arts and the cultural integrity of this community.
Membership Levels and Benefits
Individual Level: $45-$74 (1 person)
- Invitation to Members-only events
- Discounts on workshops
- Member presale access for Boykin Series
- Recognition in the Arts Courier & on the Wilson Arts website
- Receive newsletter & special mailings
Family Level: $75-$139 (Immediate family members living in the household)
- All Individual Level benefits PLUS:
- Discounts on summer camps and participation fees
Supporting Level: $140-$274 (Immediate family members living in the household)
- All Family Level benefits PLUS:
- Gallery Exhibit and Gift Shop discount of 10%
- Rental Discount of 10% (Wilson Arts Center & Edna Boykin Cultural Center)
Creator Level: $275 - $499 (or $23+/month)
- All Supporting Level Benefits PLUS:
- Gallery Exhibit and Gift Shop discount of 15%
- Rental Discount of 20% (Wilson Arts Center & Edna Boykin Cultural Center)
Innovator Level: $500 - $999 (or $42+/month)
- All Creator Level Benefits PLUS:
- Gallery Exhibit and Gift Shop discount of 15%
- Rental Discount of 30% (Wilson Arts Center & Edna Boykin Cultural Center)
Visionary Level: $1000 - plus (or $85+/month)
- All Visionary Level Benefits PLUS:
- Gallery Exhibit and Gift Shop discount of 20%
- Rental Discount of 30% (Wilson Arts Center & Edna Boykin Cultural Center)
ACT! for Youth Circle ($45-plus) - ADD to any membership level
- Benefits coincide with matching level (i.e. $75 give you Family Level benefits), PLUS:
- Recognition in all ACT! for Youth playbills
For your convenience, we offer 3 ways to pay:
- By credit card using the link above
- By cash, check, or credit card at the Wilson Arts Center
- Or download a membership brochure and form here and mail the form with check or credit card information to: Wilson Arts, 204 Nash Street S, Wilson, NC 27893
Become a Contributing Member
It's so easy to fill out our on-line membership form and make a secure one-time payment through Square. Your payment information will not be stored. Memberships are per calendar year (January-December).
Contributing Member Monthly Payment Option
We understand that sometimes it’s a lot easier (and more painless!) to give generously in smaller doses. For as little as $10 a month, you can enjoy all of the benefits of a Wilson Arts membership and feel great about contributing to the quality of life for all here in Wilson!
Call us at (252) 291-4329, set up monthly payments through your personal online banking, or fill out the membership form and mail or drop off at our facility.
Gift a Membership to a Friend of Family Member
A thoughtful and creative gift for a friend or loved one — all the benefits of a Wilson Arts contributing membership! Simply fill out the online form linked below and complete payment, and the recipient will be sent a notification of your generous gift. They will be added to the roll of contributing members, and will receive class discounts, event mailings, invitations to special “member only” events, and all other member benefits – a wonderful gift for a college graduate, or a warm “welcome to the neighborhood” for someone newly relocated to Wilson!
Visionary Level ($1,000+)
Dudley Anderson, Martha Lane Camp, Cathy & Andrew Hardison, Ken & Kim Hill, William B. & Patti Boles Jr., Blair & Jason Myers, W. Barrett & Diana Page, Paul & Carole Perez-Navarro, Jack & Sheila Wiggins
Innovator Level ($500 - $999)
Robert & Anna Appert, Genia Tyson Bone, Ms. Patty Dawson, Cambron & Will Farris, Leigh Ann & Paul Ford, Shelton & Courtenay Griffin, Skip & Linda Hanson, Susan & Brett Harris, R. Woody & Nancy Harrison, Jeffrey & Shelley Jones, John N. Hackney & Susan Kellum, Alexandria & Cameron Luper, Stewart & Deby MacLeod, Josie & Charlie Mauzé, Peter Newby, Walston & Elizabeth Peters, Beth & Doug Searcy, David & Susan Sheppard, Page & Eliot Smith, Buster & Marcia Williamson, Wendy & David Winslow
Creator Level ($275 - $499)
Jim & Kathie Davis, Jimmy V. & Carole L. Deal, Connie & William Farris, Clyde P. & Brenda Harris, Bowie & Melba Martin, Craig M. & Sherry H. Myers, Bob Reardon & Susan Nealen, Conrad & Anne Odden, Marla & Wayland E. Parker, Linwood & Frances Perry, Betsy & Hunter Rascoe, Robert & Jessica Satterfield, Toby Tracy & Frank Schneider, Betty Jon S. Smith, Nellie Holmes Smoot, Deborah M. Styles, Lynette J. & Allen Thomas, Stephen L. Beaman & Helen Sue Weaver, Danae & Jason Windsor
Supporting Level ($140 - $274)
Eugene Mallozzi & Dr. Diana Alexandru, John C. & Viki Anthony, Yvonne Battle, Joe & June Bowman, Catherine Boyette, Susan & J. Robert Boykin, Richard & Vicky Collie, Dr. Frank L. & Dot Eagles, Leah Finch, Nora Finch, Susan & Scott Fleck, Hunter L. & Nan Fleming, Liza & Harry Gauss, Carolyn Harmon, Garland & Sandra Homes, III, D. Kim & Karen Johnson, Gin & E. Leo Green Jr., Jerome & Joy Kay, Royal & Terry Klein, Carol Kyles, Phyllis & Wade Leary, John F. Lee, Natalie Long, Dr. Milan Genge & Dr. Jessica McKee, David & Caprice McNeill, Sadja & Jon Pals, Jackie & Cynthia Prince, Linda Richards, R. Alan & Joan Satterly, Bill & Lisa Shreve, Aaron & Eva Smithwick, W. Todd & Denise Stinagle, Lisa Henderson & Lorna Subramanien, SuSu Gordon & Witold Tulodziecki, Diane Vick, Steve & Leta Williams
Family Level ($75 - $139)
Aida H. Abernathy, Jaclynn & Randy A. Barnes, Buck & Libby Baskervill, Stephen D. & Janet Bennett, Amanda & Brooks Bennett, Douglas H. & Brenda Boone, Barbara T. Brinson, Ward & Judy Brunkow, Turner B. & Sarah Bunn, Rex & Patsy Burnworth, Eileen Carter, Matthew Chambers, William G. & Agnes Cherry, Connie H. Collins, Rena & Stan Corbett, Steve & Mary Beth Coyte, Lou & Elaine Craig, Monica Davis, Brian & Crystal Deans, Britt & Cadle Edwards, Chris & Patricia Ellis, Raeford & Lucy Flowers, Kelly & David Goeckner, Jamie & Andrew Grodecki, Elizabeth L. & Duffy Healey, Richard R. & Norfleet Herring, Travis & Dawn Holloman, Marsha & Steve Irvin, Bobby Jenkins, Kim Joy, Frank & Susan Kidd, Lawson & Virginia Maddox, Stacy Matthews, Jobe Makar & Dr. Kelly McAvory, Amy & Jarvis McBride, Jenny & Scott McKellar, Beth & Brandon McLean, Brandon & Tamara Moore, B. Perry & Nancy Morrison, Peter & Donna Mower, William E. Myers, Ruth & Paul Nicholson, Caroline Farris Quinn & Kevin Olson, Norman Osborn, Debbie Phillips, Abbey Pritcher, Lori Richardson, Robert & Delana Rountree, Candice & James Rountree, Kristen & Luke Spainhour, Joan & Ken Taylor, Jacqueline Taylor, Scott Tullos, John & Julie Watson, Kim West, Dawn & Marc Whitehead, Jack L. Wiggins, Steve & Kathy Witchey, Jan & John Wood, Martha Wrenn
Individual Level ($45 - $74)
Sondra Artis, Selena Bennett, Sarah Bolduc, Chandra Bolling, Ruby Bunn, Kenneth Caldwell, Dianne Chambers, Marie W. Cherry, Velvet Dew, Jo Doll, Alice B. & Charles Freeman, Jane Gardner, Ada Ghuman, Keri Graven, Jennifer Clifton & Steven Grothmann, Gwen Hardie, Susan Holland, Hugh Hussey, Jane Kolunie, Tina Marcus, Dwight Mitchell, Michael Perry & Murtza Naseem, Carrie Nobles, Bob Owens, Navpreet Pooni, Maria Popowitch, Susan Powers, Michael Radford, Katherine Riggs, Amelia Rivera, John Rood, Shelley Sakas, Finley Snipes, Quentin Spencer, Jerry Taylor, Rebecca Tighe, Patricia J. Vassallo, Marsha L. Vick, Carolyn Zolas
John C. & Viki Anthony, Robert & Anna Appert, Chandra Bolling, Matthew Chambers, Jim & Kathie Davis, Connie & William Farris, Jackie & Cynthia Prince, Nellie Holmes Smoot, Jacqueline Taylor, Buster & Marcia Williamson, Martha Wrenn